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Medical Equipment and Supplies

Rose Traub • July 6, 2020

Medical Equipment and Supplies

Do you ever find yourself wondering what is considered durable medical equipment and how it’s paid for? Every week, we get asked this while helping caregivers find longterm care for their loved ones. 

Durable medical equipment (DME) consists of the following:

  • Wheelchairs
  • Hospital beds
  • Traction equipment
  • Canes
  • Crutches
  • Walkers
  • Kidney machines
  • Ventilators
  • Oxygen
  • Monitors
  • Pressure mattresses
  • Lifts
  • Nebulizers

Does insurance pay for durable medical equipment?

Fortunately, most policies consider these items to be medically necessary and are covered. However, we recommend checking with your insurance provider to determine if DME is covered in your policy.
According to, “If you have Medicare Part B, Medicare covers certain medically necessary durable medical equipment if your physician or treating practitioner prescribes it for you to use in your home.”

To be covered, the prescribed medical equipment must be:

  • Durable.
  • Used for a medical purpose.
  • Not typically useful if you aren’t sick or hurt.
  • Used in your home.*

*If you are currently residing in a hospital or nursing home that is providing you with Medicare-covered care, these facilities don’t qualify as your “home.”

However, a long-term care facility does qualify as your home.

If you’re staying in a skilled nursing facility and the facility provides you with durable medical equipment, the nursing facility is responsible for the durable medical equipment.”

This means when you leave the nursing facility, you cannot take the equipment with you. 

  • Something to remember!!!! If your equipment is worn out, Medicare will only replace it if you have had the item for its whole lifetime. Its lifetime depends on the type of equipment, but it is never less than five (5) years from the date you began using the equipment.

Regular medical equipment and supplies consist of the following, just to name a few:

  • Incontinence (briefs & diapers, underpads, incontinence accessories)
  • Diabetic supplies (lancets, glucose meter test strips, glucose meters)
  • Wound care (gauze, bandages, tapes, band-aids)
  • Nutritionals and feeding supplies (oral supplements, pediatric electrolytes, feeding   tubes)
  • Ostomy (pouches, irrigation sleeves, colon, and rectal tubes)
  • Personal care (skin care, mouth care, personal hygiene accessories)
  • Aids for daily living (eye drops, utensil holders, first aid kits)
  • Therapy aids (reaching aids, non-slip matting, sock and stocking aids)

Shop for Medical Equipment and Supplies at Wholesale Prices

If you have questions contact us TODAY at 386-847-2322 or here.

You Could Lower Dementia Risk by 28% by Making This Protein Swap, New Study Suggests
By Donna Nichols March 7, 2025
I found this study on Eating Well and thought it very beneficial. A new study found a connection between processed red meats and worse cognition. Brain health has become a hot topic these days, and for good reason—the rest of you can’t function without your brain. And many things affect how well your brain functions. From food and physical activity to sleep and stress, all of it influences the health of your brain—for better or for worse. Thankfully, the brain also has healing superpowers, and a damaged brain can heal over time, given the proper tools. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston recently took a closer look at two main categories of food—red meat and processed red meat—and their effects on brain health. Specifically, they were looking at cognitive function and dementia. Cognitive function is multifaceted and includes how quickly your brain can process information, memory, language and executive function—which includes the ability to plan, focus and switch attention. Dementia is a group of diseases that affect cognitive function, and Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia. These researchers published their findings in January 2025 in Neurology. Here’s what they found. How Was This Study Conducted? Researchers pulled data from two long-running U.S. studies. The first, the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), started in 1976 and recruited 121,700 female nurses aged 30 to 55. The second study, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS) began in 1986 and enrolled 51,529 male health professionals aged 40 to 75. This current study was broken down into four phases, each phase looking at how red meat and processed red meat affects specific outcomes. Participants recorded a food diary every two to four years listing what they ate and how often. Researchers defined processed red meat as bacon, hot dogs, sausages, salami, bologna and other processed meat products. They defined unprocessed red meat as beef, pork, lamb and hamburger. After calculating how much processed red meat participants ate on average per day, they were divided into three groups: Low: averaged fewer than 0.10 servings per day Medium: averaged between 0.10 and 0.24 servings per day High: averaged 0.25 or more servings per day Participants were also grouped according to the average amount of unprocessed red meat they ate per day: Low: averaged less than 0.5 servings per day Medium: averaged between 0.5 and 0.99 servings per day High: averaged 1 or more servings per day What Did the Study Find? Dementia Diagnoses The first phase included more than 130,000 participants drawn from the NHS and HPFS who were free of dementia when the study began. During the 43 years (on average) of follow-up, 11,173 people in this group developed dementia. After adjusting for factors like age, sex and other risk factors for cognitive decline, researchers found that participants in the high processed red meat group had a 13% higher risk of developing dementia compared to those in the low group. When looking at unprocessed red meat and comparing people who ate an average of less than one half-serving per day (“low” group) to people who ate one or more servings per day (“high” group), researchers found no difference in dementia risk. Objective Cognitive Function For the second phase, researchers analyzed objective cognitive function in 17,458 NHS participants with an average age of 74. OCF is how well your brain works to remember, think and solve problems. OCF can be tested and scored using standardized tests. This group took the assessments four times during the study period. After adjusting for factors like age, sex and other risk factors for cognitive decline, researchers found that those in the high processed red meat group had faster brain aging, reducing their overall cognitive abilities—referred to as global cognition—more quickly compared to those in the lowest processed red meat group. Specifically, they found that for every serving per day of processed red meat people ate on average, their global cognition aged 1.61 years faster and verbal memory 1.69 years faster. Subjective Cognitive Function The third phase was the analysis of subjective cognitive function. SCF is based on what participants believe regarding their memory and thinking skills—like whether or not they felt their cognitive skills were declining or staying the same. SCF shows up before cognition can be objectively tested. The SCF group took surveys rating their own memory and thinking skills twice during the study. There were 33,908 NHS and 10,058 HPFS participants for this phase, for a combined total of 43,966 participants with an average age of 78. After adjusting for potential confounding factors, researchers found that participants who ate an average of 0.25 servings or more per day of processed red meat (“high” group) had a 14% higher risk of subjective cognitive decline compared to those who ate an average of fewer than 0.10 servings per day (“low” group). They also found that people who ate one or more servings of unprocessed red meat per day (“high” intake group) had a 16% higher risk of subjective cognitive decline compared to people who ate less than half a serving per day (“low” group). Substitution Analysis The fourth phase was the substitution analysis. This looked at whether brain health improved when processed red meat was replaced by healthier proteins. Here’s what the researchers found: Replacing one serving per day of processed red meat with a serving of nuts and legumes lowered the risk of dementia by 19%. That swap also resulted in 1.37 fewer years of cognitive aging, and a 21% lower risk of subjective cognitive decline. Replacing one serving per day of processed red meat with a serving of fish was associated with a 28% lower risk of dementia and 51% lower risk of subjective cognitive decline. Replacing processed red meat with poultry was associated with a 16% lower risk of dementia and resulted in 1.33 fewer years of cognitive aging. Other lean protein substitutions showed similar associations. How Does This Apply to Real Life? We’ve previously reported that processed meats were associated with higher heart disease and stroke risk, and that regularly eating deli meat—a type of processed meat—may raise your risk of diabetes by 15% . This latest study adds to the mounting evidence that processed meats are not helpful for your health and may also affect brain health when eaten regularly. The good news is that if you’re currently noshing on processed red meat on the regular, you can swap it for healthier proteins to lower your risk of dementia. And while there’s no guarantee, when the brain is given proper tools, it has an amazing ability to repair some of the damage due to other factors. Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the best brain-loving nutrients you can consume. Oily fish, like salmon and tuna, as well as plant-based proteins, like walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseeds, are some potent sources of omega-3s . Eating plenty of plants—fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes—will also provide brain-loving antioxidants and other nutrients. Berries are a rich source of these antioxidants , so try to include some in your meals and snacks most days. While it sounds simple on paper or on the computer screen—just add more berries and fish to your diet—actually making it happen in real life can be challenging. That’s where the MIND diet comes in. The MIND diet is a fusion of the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet . This means that it’s loaded with whole foods rich in antioxidants and healthy fats and is low in sodium, added sugar and artificial ingredients. To get you started, try these 20 MIND diet dinner recipes . The Bottom Line This study suggests that higher intake of processed red meat—like bacon, hot dogs, ham and sausage—increases the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Swapping these meats with healthier sources of protein, including fish and nuts, and following the MIND diet can reverse the risk and slow brain aging. If you need more guidance, all of our anti-inflammatory meal plans and meal plans for healthy aging incorporate these foods for brain health and provide flexible structure for you to follow. Other health habits also influence brain health—including physical activity , getting plenty of quality sleep, staying well-hydrated, managing your stressors, learning new skills that challenge your brain and spending time with loved ones—so take a big-picture view for brain health and choose one or two areas to begin working on (
Hospice Does NOT Mean End of Life
By Donna Nichols March 3, 2025
The biggest myth about Hospice care is that it means end of life, but the goal of Hospice care is to make the senior’s life as comfortable as possible. So, what does Hospice do? Hospice is a program of care and support for people who are terminally ill and their families. Hospice has trained teams of professionals who come into the home, so the family doesn’t have to worry about taking the older adult to the doctor’s offices, unless necessary. Hospice also provides pain management services, palliative care, and emotional support for the seniors and their family. To qualify for hospice under Medicare, a doctor must certify that you may pass within six months. You must accept palliative care instead of care to cure your illness and you will need to sign a statement choosing Hospice over Medicare treatments for your illness. After six months, should your health get better, you can transition to a lower level of care; should your health have declined, you will have to be recertified to continue your hospice care through Medicare. You do not have to be in a nursing home or a hospice care center to receive hospice care. Hospice care can happen anywhere, at any time. If you live in an assisted living community, they can come in there to see you. If you still live in your home, they can come there to see you. Hospice goes to you; you do not go to them. Hospice care doesn’t cost as much as you probably think. If you have Medicare, you are usually covered for most of it. Also, most insurance plans, and HMOs have hospice coverage. You may pay very little for hospice care. You will still pay your Medicare . How do you choose the right hospice provider? Ask around, check with your doctor, the nurses, and family and friends. Word of mouth has always been the best advertising and it can work well in this situation also. Always a great person to have in your corner is a geriatric care manager, they work for YOU and have your best interest in mind. Take notes about your first impression of the company. Schedule a consultation and take notes on how well informed they are. Ask plenty of questions and make sure they know the answers. Find out how long they have been in business and at that location. Also, ask for references; you are placing your life of the life of a loved one in their hands, you can’t be too careful. Ensure you have Medicare approval before signing anything. Also, make sure this includes any necessary medical equipment, home health nurses, any therapy that may be needed, and grief support for the family. Make sure you know what you will be responsible for paying for, such as any equipment that isn’t covered, any medication they don’t provide, and any services you will need they don’t cover. Get all this information up front so there aren’t any surprises later. The truth about hospice is that it’s a type of medical care where the goal is to maintain or improve quality of life for someone whose condition is likely terminal. Hospice has a special focus on controlling pain and discomfort, but also addresses all symptoms of a disease while providing comfort and support to the patients and their families.  So, to sum up, the biggest myth about Hospice care is that it means end of life, but the goal of Hospice care is to make the senior’s life as comfortable as possible.
Make Valentine’s Day Special for Seniors
By Donna Nichols February 5, 2025
Valentine’s Day tends to zero in on romantic love, but what about our seniors? They too often get forgotten. We have some ways to make Valentine’s Day special for them too. Spend the day with your loved one. Spending quality time with a loved one is more important to a senior than anything else. There is no greater gift than time and please make sure you have enough, so you are not rushed. Do your elderly loved one have a favorite meal? Perhaps you can prepare it for them, or if they are able, you can prepare it together. How fun would that be for you both? Be sure to discuss the enjoyment it brought you while you are sharing the meal together. How about a game of name that love song? You could prepare a playlist of love songs from the generation and play them to see how many they get correct. Or, if you can sing, you can sing some for them and see if they can recollect them. Take some time for reminiscing, go through old photo albums, or ask about old times. Ask them about when you were young and what trouble you caused; this will give you all something to laugh (or cry) about. Has your loved one been cooped up all winter? Take them out for a nice lunch, or weather permitting, a picnic in the park. Go for coffee and a donut, then head out to see a movie. Make a “date” of it. Maybe your senior is into crafts. You can design special Valentine’s Day cards for other family members. This way your senior can express their love for them and send it to them in their own unique way. You can create other greeting cards as well. Bake some special treats together. Does your senior have some favorite cookies or cake? You could bake it together, or you can bake it for them. Then you can enjoy it after you have the meal you prepared together. Yummy, delicious!! You can watch some romantic movies together if they prefer to stay in the house or the weather isn’t so good. If they like to color, you can buy them some of those large coloring books and you can color together. Don’t forget the decorations and the flowers! Make the house or apartment as festive as possible. Even if they live in as assisted living community, you can still decorate their room to the nines! Make it as festive as possible! If you live in another state or can’t be close to your senior for Valentine’s Day, how about sending them a specially crafted care package. You can hand make some gifts, add some photos of family and friends, and send a personally recorded message. You can bake some homemade treats and incorporate some things that are of personal interest to them. This will show how much you care for them and make their Valentine’s Day extra special even if you can’t be with them.  There are so many ways to make Valentine’s Day special for seniors. Let’s not forget about them; make sure to show them they are so loved too!
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